Welcome to Morning Star School: सरकारले यस वर्ष माध्यमिक शिक्षा परीक्षा(एसईई)सञ्चालन नगर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । आन्तरिक मूल्याङ्कनबाटै विद्यार्थीलाई प्रमाणपत्र दिने निर्णय गरिएको जानकारी दिए ।


School Recognition

Established – 2049 BS (1992-93)
Recognition of School : 2052 (1995-96)
Approval of Class V : 2054 (1997-98)
Approval of Class VI to VIII : 2056 (1999-2000)
Approval of Class IX : 2062
Approval of Class X: 2063

Management and Administration
Administration by Mr.Vincent Ubadhya Bhattarai and The Italian Foundation Fratelli Dimenticatti: 2049- 2062
Administration by Marianist Brothers: 2062 (2005 -2013)
Administration by Kolkotta Province, Salesians of Don Bosco : 2070 BS onwards (2013-14)

Principals of Morning Star School
1. Founder Principal: Mr.Vincent Upadya: 2049- 2061 B. S (1992- 2005)
2. The Second Principal : Fr.Varghese : 2062-2066 B.S(2005-2010)
3. The Third Principal: Fr.Sudhir 2066-2067B.S (2010-2011)
4. The Fourth Principal: Bro.Mariandu Belevendiran 2067 -2069B.S (2010-2013)
5. The Fifth Principal : Fr. Binu Jacob sdb 2070 B.S (2013 -)